Monday, July 26, 2010

Minnesota (Matt)

Sorry it has been so long since my last post! The days have just blended together and I've just been so tired! The trip has been well worth it, though. As the title states, this post will be about Minnesota. Unfortunately, we were not in Minnesota for very long, and even though we saw an afternoon game, I went straight to bed when we got back to the room because I was exhausted. We had driven straight through the night from the St. Louis game, and then had standing room only tickets at Target Field.

It was awesome to see some of the players I had seen in New Britain for the Twins AA-ball affiliate playing in The Show. It was a great game, and the Twins wound up with the win, 7-2. The field was nice, and the stadium had a great feel to it. However, the stadium was not as spectacular as I had imagined. It was nice to see that they were still filling seats, (the stadium was packed on a Wednesday afternoon) but there was nothing about the structure that had a really big "Wow!" factor. I also purchased my first two souvenirs at Target Field--a hat that finally fits my head, and an authentic Twins alternate home jersey. Expensive, but in the end, worth the investment, I believe.

The city itself was absolutely gorgeous. As much as Busch stadium was/is by far my favorite stadium we have seen so far, Minneapolis is by far my favorite city. It was actually clean, it even smelled clean, and the buildings all looked new or renovated recently. In all of the other cities we have been to, other than the area directly around the stadiums, the cities looked run down. Minneapolis was beautiful all around, even on the many blocks we walked from our hotel to the stadium. In addition, the people in Minneapolis were all extremely nice. Cars did not beep at you to hurry crossing, people held doors, actually said thank you, and even smiled at you for seemingly no reason other than courtesy.

As I said, I unfortunately didn't get to see much of the city, so I don't have much to write about. I'll have more tomorrow on the Field of Dreams, and hopefully Milwaukee and Detroit as well.

So long for now,


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